X65 says hello!


Hardware interface is implemented and validated. 🎉

I’ve assembled a simple 6502 program sending Hello, World! to UART (over USB) and it works as expected.

Hello World ASM

Picocomputer 65816
RIA Jun 24 2024 17:57:22

]0200 A2 00 BD 10 02 8D E1 FF E8 C9 00 D0 F5 8D F1 FF
]0210 48 65 6C 6C 6F 2C 20 57 6F 72 6C 64 21 0D 0A 00
]fffc 00 02
Hello, World!

This is the same example as in RP6502 Ep4 - The Picocomputer says hello!.